senior pastor

jenny archer

Some people knew very early in life what they wanted to be when they grew up. Jenny is NOT one of those people. Her path has led through different places and a variety of occupations, including retail management, journalism, marketing, teaching, and even middle school administration. Today, the bivocational pastor works full time for an international medical supply company.

Even before coming out as an adult in late 2003, Jenny felt the sting of church rejection. Trying to operate as an LGBTQ member of a “welcoming” church essentially led to some serious deconstruction that has taken years — and continues. Along the way, Jenny has learned that the best growth and most abundant life she has experienced comes not in finding specific answers to be “right,” but in embracing the questions. “Sometimes,” she says, “It’s just more fun to wonder than it is to know for sure.”

Jenny and her wife, Cindy, have been together since 2004, and married since it became legal in 2014. Cindy is an over-the-road truck driver who makes appearances at Evolve whenever she’s back in town.