Welcome to Evolve! Whether you are just stopping by the site, or planning for a visit, or reading this after being a part of our fellowship one or many times, the goal of Evolve Church is to provide a safe place for healing, questioning, and journeying closer to God.
We each have individual relationships with our Creator. Through the Holy Spirit, we can engage fully in the kingdom described by Jesus, not just after we take our last physical breaths, but NOW, as we navigate through the highs and lows of life on earth. And we don’t have to meet a cookie cutter outline to do it!
Our hope for those who get to know us is that they experience the overwhelming love and freedom of ACTUALLY exploring their own beliefs without fear of being struck by lightning or burning for eternity. We don’t promise answers. Instead, we wrestle together with the big and small questions that perhaps caused us to be scolded or even rejected in the past.
We welcome you to join us for a visit, a season, or a lifetime, to embrace the Bible as God’s Love Letter to us as a collective, and to you, personally.
Big Love,
Pastor Jenny